As a Bolton estate agent, I have witnessed first-hand how the Bolton property market operates and the various factors that influence property sales.

Are you trying to sell your home right now? Make sure you don't make any of these top mistakes that could reduce your chances of selling.

If you're about to put your home on the market, you might be considering ways to make a few changes here and there that will help guarantee a sale, particularly if you've already set your heart on a property to buy. Read more to see if you can use Feng Shui to hack your way to a speedy sale this summer.

The average tenant stays in the same property for around 2 or 3 years. But a lot can change in that time. If you've managed to keep the same tenants in your property for more than 2 years, have you considered whether the rental amount is still correct? Read this article to find out more.

We have somewhat of an obsession with buying property, getting our foot on the ladder and owning a little house of our own. But with rising living costs, interest rates and house prices, will this be possible for our children?