Will there be a house price crash like those of 1988 and 2008? Are you aware of the six significant differences between now and those years? All Bolton homeowners and Bolton landlords should read this article, especially those hoping for Bolton house prices to drop – you might end up losing at least £30,750 in the next five years!


What will the recent interest rate & stamp duty changes mean for Bolton homeowners and landlords? Things are certainly going to change in the Bolton property market, yet not in the way you might think

If you haven't ever bought a home of your own, it can seem like a very mysterious process. What are you supposed to do? And in what order? How do you know if you can buy a property or not? It's like a big secret. So, in this article, we will shed some light on the process and show how you go about buying your own home.

There's not much more catastrophic than losing your family home. Whether a natural disaster, flooding or a fire, there is never an occasion where this will be 'ok'. - of course, providing that your family are safe and well, it can be heartbreaking to see your home and all your belongings disappear before your eyes.

Looking at estate agents' office windows or their websites, you may have noticed that they proudly state their membership in various governing bodies. But, they often don't explain those governing bodies or why you, as the customer, should care.

For many of us, it's a goal in life to own our own home. But that is not how the Millennials and Gen Z do it. There is far less convention and structure in the path of life for these younger generations. So is it imperative to get on the housing ladder? Why are there so many ladders that we must climb to be successful in life?