Are you letting out a property for the first time? Or have you often faced a lot of problems while searching for a rental property? Well, in the current property market, letting out as well as finding a property can be a real challenge. Have several people recommended that you should hire a letting agent but you are not sure about it? Don’t worry! You are not the only property owner with this confusion. If you talk to landlords, you may get contrasting opinion about the need of a letting agent. Few landlords just don’t do their job without a letting agent while others simply don’t hire one. So, instead of believing the opinion of others, you need to analyse your requirement.

Is your home ticking all the boxes for would-be buyers? Here are the top features they value above all else.

Buying and selling a house can be a very stressful time. This is particularly true when you are in a chain.

Buying a house for oneself can surely be one of the best and most pleasant experiences in a lifetime. After all, it’s an investment that requires careful research. And only after a well thought out plan coupled with effective implementation, the perfect property is bought. Now comes the next part; if the purchased house or apartment would be used as a buy-to-let one. In that case, homeowners should be particularly wary about how they must carry out the work.

During your house hunting quest, chances are you will only see a given house at its best; perfectly organised, expertly staged, and clean. This gives you a perfect picture that lures you into buying the house; however, you might be missing a lot; recurrent water problems, rat and termite infestations, past flooding cases, etc. These are the things that eventually cost you a lot.

With so many of us taking our work out of the office and into our homes, there has never been a more popular time to rethink the study space in your very own home. Follow the tips below to know how to implement your work life into your own home.

The demand for rental properties in the UK is quite high nowadays. This is mostly due to higher house deposits, and tougher mortgage rules making it difficult for people to buy their own home.

Tenants move out of their current rental due to various reasons. Some of these reasons are out of their control, while others are a matter of personal preference. Here are five of the most common reasons why renters choose to move on.

Renting a home is a great alternative to buying your own property. In fact, it seems to be something that is much more commonplace than it has ever been. Renting does have a wide range of benefits, but it does have some drawbacks too.

When it comes to renting a property it is important to know what you are getting into, particularly if it is something you are doing for the first time. It is easy to be caught out, so follow our handy checklist to make sure you are doing it right.

As we look to put the long winter months behind us and hope for slightly warmer weather and less rain, it is a good idea to refresh your home ready for the new season. As spring is the season of growth and renewal, you should do the same to your home. We look at some of the best ways that you can do this.

Quite a good number of people believe that getting their tenancy deposit back is impossible, or have the mentality that their landlords will do or look for any possible reason to hold back their security deposits. However, we can confirm that there are landlords who can't wait to hand you over your security detail as per your agreements.